Give to Camp on the Boulder

Since its establishment in 1960, Camp on the Boulder has gone through many changes over the years, as students from all over Montana have spent time at camp every summer. In recent years, efforts to both maintain and improve the camp have been made in order to create an environment that is both fun and safe for anyone spending time on the Camp on the Boulder campus. 

Below, you'll find various initiatives that will help students attend camp with the aide of the scholarship fund, giving funds that will go towards the maintenance and upkeep of the camp, and additional projects that will provide space for people of various ages and stages  to enjoy Camp on the Boulder. Thank you for your generosity, and the support that helps camp happen every year.

Camp Support
We want to see as many experience camp as possible. Help make camp more affordable for all those who want come.
Camp Support
Camp Support
We want to see as many experience camp as possible. Help make camp more affordable for all those who want come.
Camp Support
Camp Improvements
We want to continue to improve the experience of camp. Join us in the effort of making camp the best place possible for years to come.
Camp Improvements
We want to continue to improve the experience of camp. Join us in the effort of making camp the best place possible for years to come.
Story House
Help fund the latest building project up at camp. The Story House will exist to provide spaces for small groups to enjoy camp and build community together.
Story House
Story House
Help fund the latest building project up at camp. The Story House will exist to provide spaces for small groups to enjoy camp and build community together.
Story House